sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2015

Pulseiras 1A

  1. Passo a Passo#51 - Pulseira macramê - YouTube

    Nov 29, 2013 - Uploaded by Fabrique Biju
    Materiais Necessários: http://www.fabriquebiju.com.br/blog/passo-a-passo51-pulseira- ... You need ...

  2. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

  3. pulseira strass 01
  4. pulseira strass 01
    trend accessories that looks like it will remain for a long time are braided bracelets, usually made with macrame technique. And one of the most stylish and chicks is one of the darlings wired rhinestones.
    Want to learn how to make a variation of it?
    The blog gringo Operation Overhaul prepared a step by step cool for you to start and who knows bill an extra income. Look at!
    You will need:
    • Waxed thread (in the tutorial wire was used satin, is at your discretion)
    • A strand of rhinestones (desired size)
    • Lighter
    • Scissors
    How to make:
    Measure a wire that will turn your wrist three times. In the tutorial I used a wire approximately 42 inches. Cut into four equal and give a strong knot.
    To work a braid with four strands, you will work with two sides and two in the middle, forming the core. To start, bring the wire on the far left on the core, then bring the wire from the far right under the core.
    With this movement, form a loop. Keep repeating this process a braided 3 4 times, depending on where you want to get your rhinestones.
    Enter your rhinestone wire where you want go and snapping movements knot of wires around the stones, fixing them.
    Continue with the movements twisted until the end of the rhinestones.
    Source: Earth - Jessica Moraes
    Photo reproduction: Operation Overhaul
     Aprenda agora a fazer uma linda pulseira de cetim e pérolas:
    Learn now to make a lovely bracelet satin and pearls:
    Costume jewelry with pearls are delicate and beautiful, besides serving for any occasion, from a simple way to class up the visit to the cinema, from a family lunch to ballad or marriage.
    Pearls are highly valued materials. Today one can find very real imitations made with glass or even plastic with better finishing.
    The accessory can match up perfectly with a party dress or an outfit for the ballad. To manufacture, check the walkthrough.
    The materials are well accessible. You will need beads, nylon thread or fishing, needle and satin ribbon into the desired color and slightly wider than the size of the pearl chosen.
    How to make: __________Como fazer:
    Costume jóias com pérolas são delicadas e bonitas, além de servir para qualquer ocasião, de uma maneira simples de classe até a visita ao cinema, a partir de um almoço de família para balada ou casamento.  Pérolas são altamente valorizados materiais. Hoje é possível encontrar imitações muito reais feitos com vidro ou até mesmo de plástico com melhor acabamento.  O acessório pode combinar perfeitamente com um vestido de festa ou uma roupa para a balada. Para fabricar, veja o passo a passo.  Os materiais são bem acessíveis. Você vai precisar de miçangas, fios de nylon ou de pesca, de agulhas e fita de cetim na cor desejada e ligeiramente maior do que o tamanho da pérola escolhida.
    Using yarn needle and fisherman, leave about 15 inches satin ribbon and start putting the beads.
    Notice in the photo above.
    A satin ribbon will cover half of the pearl.
    When the bracelet is the size you want, just tie a knot on each side of the nylon.
    Give a good finish.
    Let 15 more inches of satin ribbon upon completion of pearls.
    The strap is attached to the arm through a loop with the excess tape is left on both sides.

  5. Usando agulha de fios e pescador, deixe cerca de 15 cm de fita de cetim e começar a colocar as contas.

    Observe na foto acima.

    A fita de cetim cobrirá metade da pérola.

    Quando a pulseira é o tamanho que você quiser, basta dar um nó em cada lado do nylon.

    Dê um bom acabamento.

    Deixe mais 15 centímetros de fita de cetim após a conclusão de pérolas.

    A cinta está ligada ao braço por meio de um laço com a fita em excesso é deixado em ambos os lados.

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